MISSION: When we won the business, Tinder had a brand perception problem. Gen Z saw the platform as a "hook-up app." We were charged with changing that perception. 
RESULT: Through a steady drumbeat of always-on content and social campaigns, Tinder's positive sentiment amongst our Gen Z target audience increased 40%...and still climbing. 
Long Story Shorts
TikTok and Instagram series featuring real couples sharing their very real Tinder success stories
Swipe Ride
We sent A-list influencers on real Tinder dates to get them to spill the tea just moments after the dates ended.   
"Share My Date" Feature Launch
What better way to promote Tinder's new "Share My Date" safety feature than a parody in-flight safety announcement? 
"VP Ghost Hunting" April Fools Stunt
Tinder received hundreds of online applications for this executive position posted to their job board and LinkedIn on April Fools. 
The Drum's "Ad of the Day" 
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